
8 Reasons For Urinary Leaks and 8 Ways to Prevent Them

8 Reasons For Urinary Leaks and 8 Ways to Prevent Them

Ever have a little"oops" leak down there? That's how it usually starts. We're talking about bladder control problems.

Some people who have this medical condition could have abrupt or frequent urges to urinate. This can cause leaks.

Both women and men could have urinary incontinence (UI). Ladies experience this condition about twice as often. Up to 4-5 per cent of women have UI for a certain extent.

Incidents of all UI tend to increase with age. One of women age 20 to 39up to 37 per cent record a certain degree of UI. Among women over the age of 60up to 39 percent record each day UI.

What Causes Urinary Incontinence?

Pregnancy, childbirth, menopause and also the structure of the female prostate gland are all reasons the problem occurs more frequently in women.

  • Urinary tract infections, strokes, ailments, surgeries and treatments for pelvic cancers can also cause UI.
  • Tumors or obstructions.
  • Poor kidney function.
  • Certain medications.
  • Certain foods or beverages.
  • High fluid intake

Types of Bladder Control Problems
There are lots of forms of UI. Each features a unique group of symptoms.

Stress incontinence -- Frequent women, particularly in the event that you have given birth vaginally. These causes can lead to urine blockage.
Urge incontinence -- Common in older men and women.
Overflow incontinence -- Really frequent urination and a inability to completely empty the bladder. Dribbling urine.
Functional incontinence -- When you can't move, think or speak well enough for to the bathroom on time. Most prevalent among the older and people with diseases such as Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease.
Mixed incontinence -- A combination of the symptoms described above.
Nerve damage and prostate problems (in men) may cause incontinence.

This is good news: A number of treatment choices are available. You are able to take a range of steps yourself to cure UI. If self-care doesn't help, your healthcare provider can discuss approaches that'll work with you and your lifestyle. Here are some of the common clinical treatments.

Behavioral modification therapy


-- Your provider can indicate processes that you embrace. These can include limiting the amount of fluid you drink, so eliminating caffeine (which can irritate your bladder) or teaching yourself to carry your pee longer.

Physical therapy or exercises

-- All these strengthen your pelvic floor, that's the group of muscles that help to manage urine flow.

Vaginal insert (pessary)

-- designed to encourage the urethra, these removable vaginal folds might help prevent stress incontinence.
Medications --

Many block compound messages in the nerves around the bladder, which relax the bladder muscles to improve your gut capacity.
Injections of medications -- Specific substances can thicken your own cervix wall so that it seals more tightly to avoid urine from draining.
